Zoe Houtz » FID Days

FID Days

Hello Kinder Families!   

1. If an FID day is announced, I will send home a packet of work to be completed IF YOUR CHILD IS SIGNED UP FOR PAPER AND PENCIL. On the first day of school following the FID day, all work must be completed and turned back into me for your child to be counted as present on the FID day. 

2. If you have SIGNED UP YOUR STUDENT TO BE AN ONLINE LEARNER on an FID Day then our class meeting times will be as follows:

8:30-9:00 Math 


Math assignments on SeeSaw will be sent for completion at the end of the online Math class.

12:00-12:45  Language Arts 


Language Arts assignments on SeeSaw will be sent for completion at the end of the online Language Arts class.

 Here is the Zoom link: 


Meeting ID: 425 168 7386

Passcode: 285316


Itinerant Specials Class times are as follows: 

10:05-10:40 Monday and Wednesday

Phys. Ed. Mr. Milner will send the Zoom link for his class

10:05-10:40 Tuesday 

Art Ms. Beyerle-White will send the Zoom link for her class

10:05-10:40 Thursday 

Music Mr. Walter will send the Zoom link for his class

The special that will be used on the FID day is the special the day before the FID day.  

3.  If you have SIGNED UP YOUR CHILD TO BE AN ONLINE LEARNER on an FID Day then your child must be signed onto ZOOM for all the class times listed above IN  THEIR ENTIRETY for that school day, in order to be counted as present (Itinerant  Specials classes, too). Your child must be dressed in clothing (no pajamas), no food or drink during class time, cameras must be turned on at all times, and your child must be sitting up in a workspace. All additional work assigned on SeeSaw must be completed and submitted on the FiD day for your child to be counted as present on the FID day. 

4. iPads and chargers will be sent home for the FID day (if you have signed the technology agreement), but the iPads and chargers must be returned to school on the next school day. 

5.  If you have any questions, please be in touch … [email protected]