Samuel Smerbeck » Flexible Instructional Days

Flexible Instructional Days

Hi Families!
Here is where you will find information pertaining to FID's or Flexible Instructional Days.
FID's happen when in-person instruction is inhibited, usually due to severe weather!
Based on your response to the Internet Survey sent home earlier this school year, your child will either have their iPad sent home with them, or they will receive paper/pencil materials.
If iPads are sent home:
- Assignments will be put on our learning platform (Seesaw). 
- Students will have to log on to Zoom during the designated times below AS WELL AS complete the necessary activities found on Seesaw. In order to have their attendance count, students must be on Zoom and complete the assignments for each of the two sections.
                        - Here is the Zoom link for logging on!
                        - The Zoom Link will also be on Seesaw in the Virtual Classroom on page 2 (Students will know how to access this.
- We will have our Math lessons starting at 8:40am, where students will log on to Zoom. I will give a short lesson on the content and students will be able to log off of Zoom to complete the Seesaw activities, or they may stay on Zoom and complete them if they have any questions. 
- We will then have our English Language Arts lessons starting at 10:00am, where students will again log on to Zoom. I will give a short lesson on the content and students will be able to log off of Zoom to complete the Seesaw activities, or they may stay on Zoom and complete them if they have any questions. 
- Students will also be required to attend their specials classes during an FID, and this link will be found on the Virtual Classroom on Seesaw.
If Paper/Pencil materials are sent home:
Students will be given worksheets/materials prior to the predicted FID, and they can complete them during the FID at home. They can then return them to me the next time we are back in school! Student attendance will be counted ONLY if the completed activities are returned to me the next day we are back in school.
Thank you all so much! Please email me if you have any questions!