Classroom Expectations
Our 2nd grade classroom expectations align with the K-6 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) which include the 3R’s. These expectations are also listed within the handbook that was sent home with your child at the beginning of the school year. We will spend the first couple of weeks learning and practicing our expectations so that students will be familiar with them throughout the rest of the school year!
Be responsible
Students can be responsible by:
- Complete their work on time and do their best
- Be an active participant
- Ask for help when needed
- Use materials appropriately
- Clean up after themselves
- Keeping all chair legs on the floor
Be respectful
Students can be respectful by:
- Listening to adults
- Raise hand and wait to be called on to speak
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves
- Treat others the way they want to be treated
- Allow others to learn
- Cooperate with others
Be ready
Students can be ready by:
- Having all of their materials at their desk/tables
- Being on time to class
- Having their materials and space organized